Friday, March 29, 2013

Some like!

Well, life has been a little hectic around here lately! Before I can say 'boo' a week has flown by! Now, Easter is upon us, and it seems that spring is right around the corner! (I hope!!)

As much as I'd love to ramble with excuses as to why this post is so late, I'm going to spare you the details! I do have a new recipe for you though! YAY!

Do you enjoy spicy foods? Have you heard of Frank's Red Hot sauce? If you enjoy spicy foods, and you have never tried Frank's, stop reading now and run to the nearest grocery store and purchase some, STAT! Or you can finish reading this post first and get the recipe before you go all the way to the store and then have to just turn around and go back to purchase the rest of the ingredients! :) Really, the ingredients are very simple and I can promise if you love spicy foods and/or nachos, you'll love this recipe! If you don't like spicy foods, never fear - this recipe is highly adaptable!

BBQ Chicken Nachos

BBQ Chicken Nachos

This is basically chicken, cheese and hot sauce on a plate. No, it's definitely not the most healthy dish, but it's delicious enough to splurge and I've changed the ingredients so many times through the years to adapt to my healthier lifestyle - it's not nearly as unhealthy now as it was!

The main ingredients you'll need are: chicken, tortilla chips, olive oil, onion, red pepper, BBQ sauce, hot sauce (seriously - try Frank's!) (no, they aren't paying me to say that!) salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and cheese.

You can view the entire recipe at My Recipe Magic - this gives you a printable option and nutrition information as well. The only thing I don't like is that it defaulted the servings to 4, but really this will feed up to 6 people - so the calorie count and fat grams would be lower.

BBQ Chicken Nachos are great as an appetizer or a meal! We eat them at least once a month! Hubs and v1.6 love them! Of course, I top mine with a dollop of Greek Yogurt rather than sour cream. Hubs piles on the salsa and v1.6 just likes it with cheese! Anyway you eat them, they're delish!!

Let me know if you try them and if you made any changes! I love hearing about it and trying a new spin on a recipe! Email me here!

As always, I have to leave you with something I found funny!

Spicy Food

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Click the magic button to view my recipe on My Recipe Magic

Ciao for now, bellas!

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