Thursday, February 28, 2013

Greek Yogurt....Yum!

Welcome to my third post! First, I have to say that I’m really excited that I've had 53 page views of my blog already! That makes me so giddy – I really didn't think anyone would read what I have to say and honestly I started this blog for myself and to hold myself accountable. So seeing that people are looking at it and following me on Twitter and Pinterest is so thrilling!

Also, have you ever seen or heard a Red Robin commercial? If you have then replace the words 'Red Robin....Yum' with this post's title! :) If you haven't heard it - check it out here!

Anyway, onto my post – I mentioned in my second post that I wanted to talk about Greek Yogurt. It seems to be a craze that's sweeping the nation, but have you tried it yet? I've been having a love affair with Greek Yogurt for a very long time! Its ultra-creamy texture is so appealing. Some say it is an acquired taste, but I was hooked from the first bite.

Here is what I ate for breakfast this morning…

 Greek Yogurt, blueberries and a drizzle of honey. The garish orange bowl is my son’s. I have all Fiestaware in my cupboards and the bowls I have are huge and this amount would have looked like a Tablespoon if it were in one of my Fiestaware ‘cereal’ bowls! That’s one trick that I've heard dozens of times that actually does work for me – putting your food onto smaller plates or in smaller bowls really tricks you into thinking that you’re eating a lot! It works! Try it!

Now, back to Greek Yogurt – I use it for everything! It’s versatile enough that you can eat it for breakfast, use it for cooking and replace that sour cream on your tacos or potatoes. I have a great recipe for banana bread that calls for Greek Yogurt and it’s so delicious and much tastier than the version with the cooking oil. BLEH! Check out this infographic...

Greek Yogurt has tons of protein so using it to replace sour cream or cooking oil has multiple benefits. Protein tends to keep you fuller longer – so those 4 tacos you ate can easily turn into 2! I can attest to the fact that the banana bread is much moister than traditional bread and the whole loaf one slice is just enough!

So, if you haven’t tried Greek Yogurt yet then get on out there and grab some! Just be sure to check the sugar content in the cups with the fruit. Sometimes, you’re better off buying it plain and adding your own fruit. I usually buy the big container of Chobani 0% plain. Husband has recently jumped on the Greek Yogurt train, but he prefers the cups with fruit so I send him to the warehouse club to buy a case of those at a time. Check out the Chobani site! (I am not being paid to endorse Chobani - this is just the brand that I prefer.) They have great recipes and information!

In my last post, I wrote about making healthy choices with food. Well I got this great article in my inbox today that I think really sums up what my gibberish was trying to convey! Check it Out!

One last word – are you drinking your water? Don’t forget to stay hydrated!! It helps with hunger control and the lemon is deeeeeeelish! 

Don't forget to follow me on PinterestTwitter, and Facebook! Drop me a line in the comments or shoot me an email! I promise to respond!

Even though you've probably seen this a million times, I still think it's funny! 
Until next time, ciao bellas! 

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