Thursday, February 28, 2013

Greek Yogurt....Yum!

Welcome to my third post! First, I have to say that I’m really excited that I've had 53 page views of my blog already! That makes me so giddy – I really didn't think anyone would read what I have to say and honestly I started this blog for myself and to hold myself accountable. So seeing that people are looking at it and following me on Twitter and Pinterest is so thrilling!

Also, have you ever seen or heard a Red Robin commercial? If you have then replace the words 'Red Robin....Yum' with this post's title! :) If you haven't heard it - check it out here!

Anyway, onto my post – I mentioned in my second post that I wanted to talk about Greek Yogurt. It seems to be a craze that's sweeping the nation, but have you tried it yet? I've been having a love affair with Greek Yogurt for a very long time! Its ultra-creamy texture is so appealing. Some say it is an acquired taste, but I was hooked from the first bite.

Here is what I ate for breakfast this morning…

 Greek Yogurt, blueberries and a drizzle of honey. The garish orange bowl is my son’s. I have all Fiestaware in my cupboards and the bowls I have are huge and this amount would have looked like a Tablespoon if it were in one of my Fiestaware ‘cereal’ bowls! That’s one trick that I've heard dozens of times that actually does work for me – putting your food onto smaller plates or in smaller bowls really tricks you into thinking that you’re eating a lot! It works! Try it!

Now, back to Greek Yogurt – I use it for everything! It’s versatile enough that you can eat it for breakfast, use it for cooking and replace that sour cream on your tacos or potatoes. I have a great recipe for banana bread that calls for Greek Yogurt and it’s so delicious and much tastier than the version with the cooking oil. BLEH! Check out this infographic...

Greek Yogurt has tons of protein so using it to replace sour cream or cooking oil has multiple benefits. Protein tends to keep you fuller longer – so those 4 tacos you ate can easily turn into 2! I can attest to the fact that the banana bread is much moister than traditional bread and the whole loaf one slice is just enough!

So, if you haven’t tried Greek Yogurt yet then get on out there and grab some! Just be sure to check the sugar content in the cups with the fruit. Sometimes, you’re better off buying it plain and adding your own fruit. I usually buy the big container of Chobani 0% plain. Husband has recently jumped on the Greek Yogurt train, but he prefers the cups with fruit so I send him to the warehouse club to buy a case of those at a time. Check out the Chobani site! (I am not being paid to endorse Chobani - this is just the brand that I prefer.) They have great recipes and information!

In my last post, I wrote about making healthy choices with food. Well I got this great article in my inbox today that I think really sums up what my gibberish was trying to convey! Check it Out!

One last word – are you drinking your water? Don’t forget to stay hydrated!! It helps with hunger control and the lemon is deeeeeeelish! 

Don't forget to follow me on PinterestTwitter, and Facebook! Drop me a line in the comments or shoot me an email! I promise to respond!

Even though you've probably seen this a million times, I still think it's funny! 
Until next time, ciao bellas! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Losing Weight

Here is my second post – hopefully you, my dear reader, will gain some insight as I chronicle my weight loss journey.


From here on out, I’m not focusing on the numbers on the scale. I’m going to focus on how I feel, how my clothes fit and how much energy I have.


One thing I’ve learned as I’ve struggled to lose weight is that it’s not about the latest diet, it’s about lifestyle change. It’s not about depriving yourself, but eating in moderation and making smarter choices. For example, I’ve cut out white products in my home. I only buy whole wheat or whole grain products. I don’t add sugar to anything unless it’s natural – like honey or agave nectar.


These are all things I’ve known my whole adult life, but I found it difficult to implement. My husband is tall and lean. He could always eat whatever he wanted without fear of belly fat or cellulite! That has changed over the past year and as his waistline grew – mine was barely shrinking. I’ve finally gotten him aboard the healthy changes train, but it’s been a slow process.


My son, who is 6 years old, doesn’t understand food choices all that well. He’s in kindergarten this year and I was really happy to hear him talk about proper food choices and reducing sugar in his diet! They covered these topics in his gym class and I was so impressed that he showed an interest in it. So I’ve been focusing on proper food choices with him now as well. I have a huge fear that he’ll have weight issues when he gets older, but I think he’s going to be blessed with his daddy’s build, which is a good thing!


I’ve struggled for a long time with proper food choice, which is why I wanted this topic to be my first ‘weight loss’ post. I really believe that the American Society makes it difficult to choose healthy foods when there are so many tempting foods available. What I’ve started to do when I grocery shop is stick to the edge of the grocery store, but sometimes even that is difficult since the bakery is at the back of my grocery store! Lately, I’ve only visited our local grocery store for staple items that I can’t find anywhere else. I’ve been doing the rest of my shopping at our local produce market. Everything is so fresh and they have a great deli where they cut meat while you wait! Having so much fresh produce has really helped us improve our intake of fruits and vegetables.


I really ramped up my latest weight loss endeavor in January 2013 and now, it’s almost the end of February and I haven’t lost anything. Husband decided he wants to really put effort into weight loss as well so he started researching supplements and weight loss pills. I was so skeptical at first because I felt that if the weight loss didn’t come from hard work then it wouldn’t stay off. Well, he talked me into trying HydroxyCut. I’ve never tried a diet pill before, but I figured that I didn’t really have anything to lose and if it helps give me a boost then it might not be a horrible thing. So today is day 2 of being on HydroxyCut Max for Women. I can honestly say that I feel like I have more energy – I did a workout yesterday and another one today. That’s a huge accomplishment for me as I usually can’t get my lazy butt off the couch! I’d much rather read a book, but I’m starting small. I want to build this into something that’s a lifelong habit for me.
(I am in no way endorsing HydroxyCut and I am not being paid to post this)


Well, I think that about sums it up for now! Next time I’ll talk about replacing recipe ingredients with Greek Yogurt!! YUM! In the meantime, do you have any new recipes that you've tried? Send them to me! We love trying new dishes!
Here's a funny to put a smile on your face!
Ciao for now bellas!!

P.S. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and, Pinterest. If you like this blog and what you're reading please share with your friends!


Hi there and welcome to my blog! There’s something so exciting, to me, about a fresh page with no text!


I should probably start this welcome post with a little bit about what topics I hope to cover with my blog.


First, I’m always on a mission to organize my home and my life. I spend so much time reading articles about organizing, but one thing I’ve discovered is that there is no one solution for every person! My first big project I’d like to tackle is my computer desk. I’d really like to turn it into a command center for my family. So be on the lookout for that!


Second, my weight loss journey is a major hitch in my giddy up! I have a 6 year old son and after I gave birth to him I was really unhappy with my appearance. I had lost about 30lbs within his first year of life and I put very little effort into it – I basically stopped snacking after dinner and went for walks as much as I could. It melted away, but I’ve been stuck for five years now.


My mom has heart disease and adult onset diabetes. I grew up in a household where food was used for celebration and comfort. There was always food and it has taken me a long time to get out of that mindset. I’m not blaming my mom for my weight, but I do not have the best track record with food and weight! (More on that in my next post!)


Third, I’m a beauty product junkie! I LOVE trying new products and could spend hours browsing in Sephora. Right now, I’m in love with Urban Decay’s naked palette. It’s so versatile! I also battle with adult hormonal acne. I’m always on the lookout for new products to try on my skin to battle the nasty pimples! More on beauty in the future!


Fourth, I love reading. Getting lost in books is one of my favorite things to do! I just started the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward. I like it so far – I’m about halfway through the first book. Have you read any good books lately? I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter series and the Twilight Saga. I also love writing – although I don’t think I have written anything worthy of publishing, it’s still a nice escape!


Fifth, my son and I enjoy projects! I’m using the word ‘project’ loosely because his idea of a project and mine sometimes conflict! I’d love to share some cool DIY stuff that you can do by yourself or with your kids. For example, we just made homemade crayons for Valentine’s Day. I get a little sick of all the candy that’s involved with Valentine’s Day so I wanted to do something that his friends could enjoy long after the holiday!


So, lots of topics to cover here! I’d love to know more about YOU! Do you have a great book to recommend? Do you have a new recipe to share? Have you done any cool crafty projects lately? Share them with me! You can email me anytime at I promise I’m friendly and I’ll respond!

I'll leave you with this hysterical picture that makes me crack up everytime I see it! I live in the Northern Tundra New York, so I'm more than ready for spring!!

I have no idea where this picture came from or who to credit for it! If you know, please drop me a line so I can give proper credit!

Ciao for now bellas!